Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Action & Fan Fiction Short Film Festival 07/30 by The King Galaxius Show | Entertainment

Action & Fan Fiction Short Film Festival 07/30 by The King Galaxius Show | Entertainment: On July 24th, 25th, and 26th, I had the opportunity to watch some movies that were premiering at the Action & Fan Fiction Short Film Festival. Xera Rondlings conducted the online event. The experience was pretty cool. I enjoyed these five films. Watching a few of these films really caught my attention. The following are my movie reviews: 1)'Pamela & Ivy' 2)'Caught' 3)'Run Girl Run' 4)'Blind Runners' 5)'Rogue Seven: A Star Wars Fan Film' Initially, I thought there were more, but the others were from previous years. Occasionally I mention actors and actresses' names in my reviews. Others aren't mentioned because there are no photos corresponding to their names. To know what and who I'm talking about, I needed a face to match the characters.

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