Wednesday, August 26, 2020
That says something. Doesn’t it? I hope that dude got away, too❣️😅😅😅😓😓😓

That says something. Doesn’t it? I hope that dude got away, too via: #probeatz
O.K. writers, here is the rest of what you need to do: include recent events that is currently happening around you. The serial killer has an international crew. He planned the biggest apocalypse. In fact, he has planned world events from 2020-2026. Imagine yourself penniless. When you wake up from that cocaine, your face is clean of residue, and bodies start dropping, what is your next move? Remember: you wake up fucked up in the head. From that moment forward, how is your life? What happens? Your job is to stop these weird events and help to catch this guy and his circle of terrorists. Remember: he is 7 years ahead of you in plans. The last request: picture yourself that this is really happening. On another separate piece of paper, write down how you will plan to be financially set for the next seven years. Now, include this in your horror story, because I have one last detail to include: your serial killer is a « twisted Morpheus ». Happy writing.😉

O.K. writers, here is the rest of what you need to do: include recent events that is currently happening around you. The serial killer has an international crew.
He planned the biggest apocalypse. In fact, he has planned world events from 2020-2026. Imagine yourself penniless. When you wake up from that cocaine, your face is clean of residue, and bodies start dropping, what is your next move?
Remember: you wake up fucked up in the head. From that moment forward, how is your life? What happens? Your job is to stop these weird events and help to catch this guy and his circle of terrorists.
Remember: he is 7 years ahead of you in plans.
The last request: picture yourself that this is really happening.
On another separate piece of paper, write down how you will plan to be financially set for the next seven years. Now, include this in your horror story, because I have one last detail to include: your serial killer is a « twisted Morpheus ».
Happy writing. via: #probeatz
Writing prompt #6: hint: The serial killer breaks into your home while you are sleeping, has powers to hypnotize you, holds your head up, and puts your nose in his hand full of cocaine. Under hypnosis, he has you sign a contract, then rushes out of your home gleefully. Write what happens next?! Hint #7: people start dropping dead.

Writing prompt #6: hint: The serial killer breaks into your home while you are sleeping, has powers to hypnotize you, holds your head up, and puts your nose in his hand full of cocaine. Under hypnosis, he has you sign a contract, then rushes out of your home gleefully.
Write what happens next?!
Hint #7: people start dropping dead. via: #probeatz
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Writing prompt #5: the serial killer character lives in your neighborhood. Is he a drug dealer, a doctor, nurse, family friend, pet sitter? You decide what profession he is.

Writing prompt #5: the serial killer character lives in your neighborhood. Is he a drug dealer, a doctor, nurse, family friend, pet sitter? You decide what profession he is. via: #probeatz
Clue #4: Writing prompt: the main character is a serial killer. It is a male who considers himself religious and wants others to repent if they do not act « Christlike ». He kills the rich, poor, and middle class.

Clue #4: Writing prompt: the main character is a serial killer. It is a male who considers himself religious and wants others to repent if they do not act « Christlike ».
He kills the rich, poor, and middle class. via: #probeatz
O.K. Bollywood and Indian writers who write movie scrips that will be filmed and released: please start writing your scripts that deal with love interests as follows: P.L.E.A.S.E. : no more films where family members (including cousins and distant cousins)are marrying one another. Family members fucking family members is just plain sick! It’s gross, people! It’s fucking nasty and disgusting! I can no longer rate those types of films. O.K.? There are enough women and men to pair off with, without looking towards one another to marry and fuck in bed with!🙄

O.K. Bollywood and Indian writers who write movie scrips that will be filmed and released: please start writing your scripts that deal with love interests as follows: P.L.E.A.S.E. : no more films where family members (including cousins and distant cousins)are marrying one another. Family members fucking family members is just plain sick!
It’s gross, people! It’s fucking nasty and disgusting! I can no longer rate those types of films. O.K.? There are enough women and men to pair off with, without looking towards one another to marry and fuck in bed with! via: #probeatz
Writing prompt hint#3: What is your worst nightmare? Remember this: a nightmare is a horrible dream, not your most horrible thought. You will include a nightmare that you actually had at the age of 5(if you can remember), a nightmare from the age of 14(if you can remember), and your most recent bad dream. This will be a part of your story.

Writing prompt hint#3: What is your worst nightmare?
Remember this: a nightmare is a horrible dream, not your most horrible thought. You will include a nightmare that you actually had at the age of 5(if you can remember), a nightmare from the age of 14(if you can remember), and your most recent bad dream.
This will be a part of your story. via: #probeatz
Hint #2: Your title must begin with the word « Until ».

Hint #2: Your title must begin with the word « Until ». via: #probeatz
O.K. writers, here is the rest of what you need to do: include recent events that is currently happening around you. The serial killer has an international crew. He planned the biggest apocalypse. In fact, he has planned world events from 2020-2026. Imagine yourself penniless. When you wake up from that cocaine, your face is clean of residue, and bodies start dropping, what is your next move? Remember: you wake up fucked up in the head. From that moment forward, how is your life? What happens? Your job is to stop these weird events and help to catch this guy and his circle of terrorists. Remember: he is 7 years ahead of you in plans. The last request: picture yourself that this is really happening. On another separate piece of paper, write down how you will plan to be financially set for the next seven years. Now, include this in your horror story, because I have one last detail to include: your serial killer is a « twisted Morpheus ». Happy writing.😉 #wanitaxigo

O.K., writers. I am going to give you a hint about the writing prompt: it is about the years 2020, 2021, and the N.E.X.T. F.I.V.E.

O.K., writers. I am going to give you a hint about the writing prompt: it is about the years 2020, 2021, and the N.E.X.T. F.I.V.E. via: #probeatz
Writing prompt #6: hint: The serial killer breaks into your home while you are sleeping, has powers to hypnotize you, holds your head up, and puts your nose in his hand full of cocaine. Under hypnosis, he has you sign a contract, then rushes out of your home gleefully. Write what happens next?! Hint #7: people start dropping dead. #wanitaxigo

O.K., writers. I have a writing prompt for you. You can participate if you want. The deadline is October 30th. Writers from the fields of Psychology. I also invite you to participate. I will announce the writing prompt by 11:30 P.M. : Texas time in the U.S. So, get ready.

O.K., writers. I have a writing prompt for you. You can participate if you want. The deadline is October 30th. Writers from the fields of Psychology. I also invite you to participate. I will announce the writing prompt by 11:30 P.M. : Texas time in the U.S. So, get ready. via: #probeatz
O.K. Bollywood and Indian writers who write movie scrips that will be filmed and released: please start writing your scripts that deal with love interests as follows: P.L.E.A.S.E. : no more films where family members (including cousins and distant cousins)are marrying one another. Family members fucking family members is just plain sick! It’s gross, people! It’s fucking nasty and disgusting! I can no longer rate those types of films. O.K.? There are enough women and men to pair off with, without looking towards one another to marry and fuck in bed with!🙄 #wanitaxigo

Writing prompt hint#3: What is your worst nightmare? Remember this: a nightmare is a horrible dream, not your most horrible thought. You will include a nightmare that you actually had at the age of 5(if you can remember), a nightmare from the age of 14(if you can remember), and your most recent bad dream. This will be a part of your story. #wanitaxigo