Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Chanting Mary

It was a free day at Bimbay’s church.
The group was free to talk and gossip.
So, creepy stories were shared, except for stuff about The Adam’s Family and Lurch.
The story mill passed down to Barry.
She told the group about chanting about « bloody Mary ».
Barry said, « Just as surely as I pass down these rhymes, you must say bloody Mary thirty times. »
Next, church services were over for the night.
Bimbay was more intrigued instead of feeling fright.
Then, Bimbay began to do as Barry instructed.
The instructions could not be any clearer.
So, Bimbay stepped in front of the mirror.
Then, she opened her mouth to begin the chant.
The words came out of her mouth.
These words were, « I can’t. »
Update: How is everyone doing? How are my comrades doing in the field of art? For those of you like myself who are into the arts, have you achieved your goals yet? Are you almost there? Are you brushing up on your skills? Well, I may as well give you an update on my progress. I am fifteen stories behind. However, I am almost where I need to be. I will update you guys later concerning that. For writers, keep paper to pen. For artists, keep pencil to pad and paint brush to those paint things. For those who make videos, keep it up. For those in fashion and acting, brush up your skills, create new looks, and experiment with video and camera. Keep, keep, keepin’ on people. Things will come together. Immerse yourself in your craft. And, remember to take a breather once in a while, enjoy family life if and whenever/whatever possible, etc. #wanitaxigo

What goes on in the dark comes out in the light- anonymous individual.

What goes on in the dark comes out in the light- anonymous individual. via: #probeatz
Sometimes bearing your soul pisses everyone off. But, there is a time that it has to be done. First, it starts as a secret. Then, everything comes out in broad daylight and out in the open.😶

Sometimes bearing your soul pisses everyone off. But, there is a time that it has to be done. First, it starts as a secret. Then, everything comes out in broad daylight and out in the open. via: #probeatz
Why is there a climate center information page on our Facebook wall? I thought that our walls were supposed to have just our shit on it. I don’t give a shit about such matters. As long as this planet does not burn up, I am okay.

Why is there a climate center information page on our Facebook wall? I thought that our walls were supposed to have just our shit on it. I don’t give a shit about such matters.
As long as this planet does not burn up, I am okay. via: #probeatz
Yep. Lay your cards out on the table: the good, bad, and very ugly.🧐

Yep. Lay your cards out on the table: the good, bad, and very ugly. via: #probeatz
Monday, November 9, 2020
It is good to just put E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. out there sometimes. Especially, when your situation and those around you’s environment turns out abnormally twisted compared to how everything used to be and usually is.

It is good to just put E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. out there sometimes. Especially, when your situation and those around you’s environment turns out abnormally twisted compared to how everything used to be and usually is. via: #probeatz
What did you have for dinner? I am eating chicken macaroni with smoked & boneless chicken strips.🎃

What did you have for dinner? I am eating chicken macaroni with smoked & boneless chicken strips. via: #probeatz