Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Stop Overworking the "Dead Human Horse"! Give them Some Easier Work, Shit! Beyotches!πŸ‘ΊπŸ‘ΊπŸ‘ΊπŸ‘Ί

I wanted to show you guys this. Eerily, a number of pins that I tried to share on Pinterest somehow had "selective behavior" over the past 2 1/2 years, making it impossible for me to pin certain pins that I think that are important. I got a message from Pinterest saying, "Sorry. It is on our end." This was one of the pins that Pinterest refused to let me pin.
The last pin that I tried to pin was a pin that Ru Paul's show A.J. and the Queen was cancelled.
This pin is important to me, because I noticed that certain businesses are run by or operated by greedy, trashy, and ruthless individuals. And, these same individuals are running their businesses against the Lakota Rule. There are millions of "Dead Human Horses".
I can sympathize with these "dead human horses".
Why? Because, I too am one of them. And, the labor that I try to do outside of being a writer, freelancer, etc., is work that is light, because my body is unnaturally zapped of energy.
I, too notice that greedy, trashy, and ruthless individuals operate their businesses like this Rider and the dead horse.
If you are like this "dead horse", you are a "dead human horse" who needs to do something else. As an individual who runs your business this way, you are to leave this "dead human horse" the fuck alone!
When a human being is like this, it means that they are totally "caput"! They are done and need very light duty, need to retire in that field of labor, and need something a lot easier, or just retire from hard labor, period.
A lot of greedy and trashy employers I notice(along with some employees)also gain satisfaction in seeing overworked employees in pain, seeing them struggle, etc.
Employees like this are also bullied as well. So, please read this Lakota Rule. It is a meme, however, a number of people here in Texas run their employees like this. It is sad, people.

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