Theodore was only concerned about someone trying to steal all of this candy. All of those bags were his to keep.
Afterwards, he fell asleep.
8:00 A.M. the next morning, Theodore felt like a million bucks.
Was it Christmas already?
No. It was not.
Upon awakening, he turned to his left.
He felt dandy.
The night before, he picked up bags and bags of Halloween candy!
On the right side of his bed stood a hot glass of eggnog that was made with evaporated milk.
Then, he looked down and saw that he was clean and smelled like vanilla and rose musk.
Also, he was wearing Halloween pajamas spun from the finest silk!
Next, he turned completely around.
For a moment, he thought he heard a strange sound.
Next, he looked outside of his window.
What a blow!
Theodore’s vehicle was parked and left unscathed.
Afterwards, he turned on the T.V.
He turned the channel to the 9:00 news.
Although he was somewhat puzzled, he was too excited to feel the blues.
The newslady showed a picture of five criminals who were wanted.
However, the third guy in the middle looked haunted.
There they were!
Theodore’s memory became clear and last night the events about last night were no longer a blur!
The men were the same masked individuals that he met on Halloween night!
Boy, they were an awesome sight!
They were wanted for terrorizing the entire city of trick-or-treaters with machetes.
The crime?
The group stole over 20,000 pairs of shoes!
Now they must serve time.
This was the city’s terror.
20,000 people were terrorized for their shoes and left everyone without clues.
Upon hearing the news, Theodore enjoyed his hot homemade eggnog and giant warm cinnamon bun.
The night before was kind of fun.
Unawares to him, he made friends with some strange beings.
These guys were far from being done.
Next, in a cloud of sparkles they appeared, disappeared, and yelled in his his ear, « You missed out on all of the fun! »
Jolted, Theodore exclaimed, « Oh, my God! No! Terrorizing me! Whatever occasion this is, I am not the one! »
Theodore continued, « Okay. I need to get myself together. There are a few things that need to be done. »
He continued, « I must calm myself, remain relaxed, and keep steady. »
However, it was already too late.
The masked beings left!
And, his room was littered with confetti!
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