It was going to be a long night.
Things looked pretty good.
Because, Kakila requested to be in the hood.
There she lay.
Mrs. May.
The day before was a riot.
But, in the house everything was nice and quiet.
Kakila had a bag of toffee.
And, on the side of her sat her favorite concoction of hot chocolate, cappuccino, and 7Eleven coffee.
Kakila used her free time to treat her skin.
She had a daily routine of applying cocoa butter, coconut oil, and eucalyptus that was applied on all of her areas very thin.
The night dragged on. It was going to be very long.
So, she started to sing a song.
Next, she took out her 64 ounce bottle of Capri Sun.
She took long sips through a straw.
Then, she started to draw.
Far away, Kakila thought she heard the cops.
Next was the sound of raindrops.
This did not sound right.
Kakila was ready for this night to be over.
Hopefully, she did not have to wait long in the morning for her ride.
Pushing her thoughts to the side, Kakila returned to the front.
The rain was coming down from inside!
What was this about?
Kakila saw raindrops. So, she held one of her hands out.
She held a hand out. Then, she stood still, and came to a complete stop.
Nothing wet fell onto her hand.
Not a single drop!
Then, she turned her head to the left.
Okay. There we’re no raindrops, nor storms.
However, as Mrs. May was taking her last breaths, there stood seven dark forms!
Kakila suddenly started to realize that these beings were not heavenly.
These angels were dark!
What did Mrs. May do?
Kakila rushed to the back room and decided to pray
She needed to keep the demons at bay.
Once, again Kakila started to draw.
Kakila felt a poke.
Apparently, Kakila pissed the demons off by doing that.
So, around Kakila’s neck one of the demons began to choke.
At first she thought it was her imagination.
Apparently not.
She tried drawing, again. This time she was choked harder until her nose drew snot.
This was really happening to Kakila.
Where was Steve?
No longer was this situation hard to believe.
Everyone else in the family left.
Only two people cared.
Now, Kakila had no clue what to do because she was currently running scared!
What in God’s grace?
The seven demons waiting’s appearances were now gray, clearer, and without a single face!
All of them bent over Mrs. May’s bed.
There, she remained clinging on to life by a mere thread.
This not was getting worse. It was far from fun.
Kakila could not take it anymore.
So, she called 9-1-1.
Telling the operator was a pain.
No one believed Kakila.
The things that happened made it even more hard for her to explain.
No one in the family believed her either.
Not even her own mother.
As a result, she wanted the same thing to happen to her mother.
Some say that spirits do not go very far.
However, these are demons that are being talked about.
Kakila’s mother was driving Kakila’s vehicle.
It was Kakila’s mom and one of the demons in the back seat of the car!
Kakila’s mom told Kakila, « One of those fuckers we’re sitting in the back. »
Kakila answered, « That’s what you get for not believing me! I told you about that! »
« That is alright, » replied Kakila’s mom. « It went away. I said get hence, Satan. And, that’s all that I have to say. »
The month rolled into December.
As far as Mrs. May and the update on the seven demons waiting, Kakila definitely did not call to find out.
Because, it was a tale to forget and not remember.
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