Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Man, I am trying to find out what in the hell is going on with my Facebook profile page. For my Facebook friends who want to tag me and get their stuff posted on my wall, I do allow this to happen once I view what the content is. However, for... Man, I am trying to find out what in the hell is going on with my Facebook profile page. For my Facebook friends who want to tag me and get their stuff posted on my wall, I do allow this to happen once I view what the content is. However, for... Man, I am trying to find out what in the hell is going on with my Facebook profile page. For my Facebook friends who want to tag me and get their stuff posted on my wall, I do allow this to happen once I view what the content is. However, for some reason, the posts have not appeared on my wall after I approve the post. I truly don't know why this is happening.🤷💔 via: #probeatz

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