« Come and see me at the mansion, my dear. »
Plastasia pretended that she could not hear.
Platasia replied, « I cannot today. I must wash my clothes and buy some detergent. »
However, the old, tired, and weary voice on the other end of the line this time sounded really urgent.
« Okay, » Plastasia began to say.
Then, she told her grandmother that she was headed her way.
It was truly weird to have such a weird request.
This was at her grandmother’s behest.
No. It was not a candy bar this time.
Her grandmother’s name was Angel and she kept requesting a large cup of Starbucks hot chocolate!
« Here you go, grandma. I brought you the best! I even bought you a large bag of roaster marshmallows to go with your hot chocolate. »
« Oooweeee! It is the best! And, fresh! »
« And, thank you for that perfume scented teddy bear made of mesh. »
Day after day Plastasia brought Angel a large cup of Starbucks hot chocolate.
Next came the pillowy softness of the roaster marshmallows.
And, both women sat and talked for hours laughing about the good times and the bad stuff. The highs and lows.
On and on this continued right up until the fifteenth day.
Angel finally gave Plastasia a break.
Plastasia used that time to check on her flat. She went right away.
The phone rang.
Surprisingly, it was Plastasia’s father.
He informed her that the family was in an upheaval.
They were trying to get a hold of her for over two weeks.
Then, she explained to her father where she was and what she was doing.
Next, he called Plastasia a Boweaval.
Realization turned into shock.
Twenty minutes later, the entire family came over to Plastasia’s place accompanied by her dad, who now removed his frock.
Tick tock.
Next, Plastasia’s father asked her to repeat her story amongst all gaping stairs.
Afterwards, each family member became weak and began to seek out chairs.
Something was amiss.
Plastasia was about to learn.
« All of this time you were gone. You missed Angel’s wake. »
« She died 15 days ago! Here is her urn! »
Plastasia’s father continued, « You made great company for her. And, both of you were like little children. You two had one thing in common. That was the toaster marshmallows and a large cup of Starbucks hot chocolate. »
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