Everything was okay.
It was okay until the end of the light of day.
William’s mind was provoked.
Because, out of nowhere was smoke.
There was no fire.
This raised his ire.
Occasionally, he was accused of being a louse.
Something was not right. His entire family was there in the house.
Next, he got up to see what was going on.
The house was way too quiet.
At first, he called out.
No one answered. As a result, he walked into every room in the house. Everyone was there.
However, each individual laid in bed still as a statue. None of his family members answered.
Then, he began to wonder what this was about.
All of his family members were still as statues!
What in the hell was going on?
Where was Cinnamon the dog?
Up William looked. Every room was now covered in fog!
Quickly, he ran back to the front room.
« Hello?, » William said to no one in particular.
This time, he became scared.
Something odd was going on.
Next, his nose flared.
Although something weird was happening, not once did he feel doom.
So, he cowered and stayed awake all night in the foggy house.
Some kind of force was responsible for this.
He would stay at bay.
Because, William somehow knew that the fog had to go away by the break of day.
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