Cleo said that Shane was coy.
However, Shane was way too nasty.
As a result, Cleo called his best friend, who turned out to be Shane’s stepfather.
Cleo spoke and said, « Come and get your boy! »
That was the last time that Shane came to Maryland’s house.
After that, things seemed to settle down and return to quietness, like a church mouse.
Brad’s ex- friend.
There seemed to be no end.
Next, it seemed as if Shane started climbing up Lexi’s family tree!
He attempted to sex up Cleo’s sister named Dee!
How can this be?
It continued on from there.
Next, Shane beat down Brad’s friend that he impregnated at school.
The unborn child died.
That was not cool.
Shane’s shenanigans ripped through that small town like a tornado.
His mom grew scared about what may happen to her son. So, she sent him away.
Shane had to go.
Things got quiet after the departure of Shane Scooty.
He was not wrapped too tight.
He had a fascination with old booty.
Who has heard of Fats Waller?
Later, Lexi heard that Shane moved to the East coast.
Things started happening as quick as a cough.
Shane’s head was blown off.
That ended the life of the « night caller ».
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