You know, I got to thinking. I mean some real deep thinking. Isn’t it weird sometimes when people dig up shit like 10-20 years ago on celebrities and treat it like it is fresh news that should be handled now?
I’m like why didn’t those readers respond back then and shit!The typical norm for a culture (especially American culture: what I have read and noticed)changes like every decade(10 years).
Sometimes 20 years!So just think. You might have a thought and post that on social media, and some dumb fuck or weirdo digs the shit up like 40 years later and cuts the fuck up about it. Think about it.
Are you going to remember what you did 40 years from now and what frame of mind you were in when you said it? I guess we may as well prepare ourselves for this kind of shit. Just think. I have said some pretty fucked up shit and actually remember what frame of mind I was in.
Every now and then a family member will question me about some shit. For the brazen ones that have done some pretty fucked up shit, I usually just look at them clueless, but answer the calm family members.
Sometimes I answer everyone. But, can you guys picture complete strangers looking for answers? I would be like, « Oh yeah. I said blah blah blah. Yeah. That was when I had two wine coolers and a bucket of popcorn. I thought the idea was hilarious at that time. » via: #probeatz
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